Наконец-то стало кардинально изменяться критическое положение с подготовкой к чемпионату Европы. На этот раз - к лучшему, что и отметили прибывшие 21 августа в столицу Украины эксперты футбольной федерации. Юридические осложнения, связанные с демонтажем торгового центра "Троицкий" были благополучно разрешены и 19 июля работы были продолжены. На демонтаж из городского бюджета выделено 28 млн гривен. Согласно графику, работы должны быть завершены до 15 октября. Сдача в эксплуатацию реконструированного комплекса планируется в июне 2011 года. Таким образом, НСК "Олимпийский" сможет принять сезон матчей высшего национального уровня. По правилам УЕФА они должны быть отыграны на главной спортивной арене страны по меньшей мере за 6 месяцев до начала Евро-2012.Это необходимо для общей оценки инфраструктуры комплекса. Одновременно идут работы по подготовке тренировочных центров, таких как стадион ФК "Оболонь". Для размещения гостей Евро-2012 в столице появится 55 новых отелей общей вместимостью более 13 тыс. номеров. Также планируется реконструкция 28 общежитий и постройка 6 общежитий и международного молодежного центра на 15 000 мест. Однако, несмотря на радужные обещания и надежды Украины согласно заявлению президента УЕФА Мишеля Платини, сделанное им в мае 2009 года, Украина лишена финала. Матчи чемпионата Европы по футболу 2012 года пройдут в четырех польских и одном украинском городе - Киеве. Также до 30 ноября должна решиться судьба таких городов как Донецк, Львов, Харьков.
At last, there is a powerful change in critical situation with the preparation for Europe championship. “For the best” - this were highlighted by football federation experts that had arrived to capital of Ukraine, at 21st of August. The legal complication connected with dismantling of the shopping center “Troickij” have been successfully resolved on the July the 19th. 28 million griven were allocated by city budget for this process. According to the schedule, works should be completed by October the 15th and ready for commission from June 2011, as planned. Thus “Olympic” will be able to accept a seasons of matches at the maximum national level. From the rules of UEFA they should played back on the main sports arena of the country, at least 6 month prior to the beginning of Euro-2012. It is necessary for general infrastructure appraisal. Meanwhile there are works done on the preparation of the training centers, such as stadium “Obolon”. For the accommodation of the visitors for Euro-2012; it is planned to build 55 new hotels, reconstruct 28 hostels and build 6 new for the international youth centers for 15 000 places, in the capital. However, despite of iridescent promises and hopes of Ukraine to the statement of the president of UEFA Michel Platini, made by him in May, 2009, Ukraine is derived from the finale. Matches of the championship of the Europe on football of 2012 will take place in four Polish and only one Ukrainian city - Kiev. Also till November the 30st the destiny of such cities as Donetsk, Lvov, Kharkov should be solved.
At last, there is a powerful change in critical situation with the preparation for Europe championship. “For the best” - this were highlighted by football federation experts that had arrived to capital of Ukraine, at 21st of August.
The legal complication connected with dismantling of the shopping center “Troickij” have been successfully resolved on the July the 19th. 28 million griven were allocated by city budget for this process.
According to the schedule, works should be completed by October the 15th and ready for commission from June 2011, as planned. Thus “Olympic” will be able to accept a seasons of matches at the maximum national level. From the rules of UEFA they should played back on the main sports arena of the country, at least 6 month prior to the beginning of Euro-2012. It is necessary for general infrastructure appraisal. Meanwhile there are works done on the preparation of the training centers, such as stadium “Obolon”.
For the accommodation of the visitors for Euro-2012; it is planned to build 55 new hotels, reconstruct 28 hostels and build 6 new for the international youth centers for 15 000 places, in the capital.
However, despite of iridescent promises and hopes of Ukraine to the statement of the president of UEFA Michel Platini, made by him in May, 2009, Ukraine is derived from the finale. Matches of the championship of the Europe on football of 2012 will take place in four Polish and only one Ukrainian city - Kiev. Also till November the 30st the destiny of such cities as Donetsk, Lvov, Kharkov should be solved.